The Best Little Guide to Cold Brew on the Web.
Me. Making cold brew daily since 2014. That’s over 3000 days of homemade cold brew. Here’s all my best advice for getting started.
Unsure where to start, how about with this overview of the 6 methods?

Making Cold Brew: French Press
Immersion method that leaves more coffee oils in your brew.

Making Cold Brew: Mason Jar
Simple immersion method using equipment you probably already have.

Making Cold Brew: Pitchers
Immersion method that is similar to French Press, but with a removable filter.

Making Cold Brew: Rapid Brewing
How can your speed up cold brewing? Examines variables you can manipulate and if rapid cold brewers really work.

Making Cold Brew: 4 Tips to Elevate Your Cold Brew
Already know how to cold brew but looking to level up? This guide gives all my best tips from the last 10 years.
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*I hate spam, well not so much the canned meat (there, I said it) but the inbox kind. I promise to treat your inbox with the respect it deserves (unlike the bad rap the canned meat gets).

What is the best water for cold brew?
With only two ingredients, water is half of the key to great cold brew

What are the best beans for cold brew?
The other half of the perfect brew are beans that work well with cold extraction.